11/03/23 – Triple trig morning. Starting at Overtoun House we headed back down the main road then up the path sign posted for Loch Humphrey. At the cattle grid we took the path to the left along the crags. I was like a dog with a bone and set off full steam along the trails and it twisted and turned. The views across the Clyde were stunning. At the far end we regrouped then headed down the forestry track to Black Linn Reservoir.


Now the next part is usually bogtastic but with the frost they were all crispy and frozen so the run up to Doughnot (and the first trig was dry). I found the trod to the next part quite easily for once. So two fences including the narrowest stile possible, Fyn Loch, wall climb, more trods we made it to trig two at the top of Duncolm. All the reservoirs were visible from here.


https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/0mxjfky00 Refuel and down to Greenside reservoir. Now time for the final climb up the Kilpatrick Slacks and trig three.

https://www.infoturismiamoci.com/2025/03/lhy6o2dhhim Final section was down to Loch Humphrey, more forestry tracks, back to Black Linn reservoir then the fast descent back to Overtoun house. I loved the downhill as got to stretch the legs. We stopped at the bench as a massive group of dog walkers came up. We decided to workout which dog looked like each of us, I was the rough haired pointer.

Zolpidem Order

Turned out 20km and 650m elevation done. Some of the guys went for tea and scone. I was so jealous but needed to head home for swim comp mum duty.