JESUS THIMBLE AND LUCIFERS LOCH FROM MILNGAVIE Merry Christmas everyone! Marcothon day 25 done with the epic crew for an epic 10km to the one and only Jesus Thimble (wee stop for some chocolate coins), bog tastic run across to Lucifers Loch and then downhill back. Only one shoe lost (and found), one person wearing the water hurdle and lots of Christmas cheer. Now to put my Christmas presents from hubby to use…. 1 car seat cover to stop me getting the seat all muddy after runs and 1 personalised EpicTrails mug for my cuppa. Allegedly my other present is delayed.

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The route started at the entrance to Douglas Academy. Heading up the track between the two sheep fields we popped out at the end of Carneddans Rd. When it joins The Loan cross directly onto the Clyde Coastal Path. There is the option to park here and make the route 2km shorter. Follow this and carefully cross Stockiemuir Road. Up the trail next to the stream and through the gate. Straight up the field and through the next gate. Continue on the track until there is a right turn into a field and a cattle grid. This field is full of sheep. Head to the big pylon. From here there is a choice to go to Jesus or Lucifer. This time we headed left up past the WW shelter in the field. Aim for the tree line in the distance and the stone wall. Try follow the sheep track and it will lead you there. Through the fallen down gate and the wall and head up the hill keeping the trees to the left. This gets you to Jesus Thimble and the trig. Remember to look behind for the views. From here follow the trail across the boggy hill and it will lead to Lucifer. The next stop is the cairn at the top. From here head away from Lucifers Loch down the faint trail back toward Stockiemuir Rd (don’t go that far). This trail will pop out on a track and here turn right. Of note is the Belfast sink, if doing this in reverse use this as the marker of where to turn up. Now follow the track round and eventually you reach the quarry, here keep following the track and then follow the pylons keeping the trees on the left. Eventually you will see the pylon we started at. Now head back in reverse.