31/08/23 – Fab on tour guided run tonight with lots of new faces. Starting at Twechar Primary School we did a figure of 8 loop. First was a lovely 1km uphill although I was slightly confused as the trees that were previously there had been felled and I couldn’t see the ‘wish you were here’ sign (although told later it is still there just the new forestry track doesn’t go past it). Then we got a fab downhill towards Auchinstarry. Across the road and another uphill to Croy Hill. From ups come downs and it was a lovely downhill along the grassy trails straight to Silvanus’s head. It really is big! Photo opportunity then another down until it went up. We passed the grotto and kept going up until we got to the road again. Quick across, back up the farm track and then the big one. Up to Bar Hill. It’s a great steep climb up to the trig where everyone caught their breath and took in the views. Finally a little bit more Roman history at the fort and then back downhill through some cows to the start. 10km done. Can I Really Buy Ambien Online
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