04/11/23 – @auchterarderrunningfestival you really were spicy today. It was an EpicTrails crew adventure for the Chilli 10km trail race. Bit of a laugh getting there when the sat nav couldn’t understand our accents. It thought Auchterarder was Octonauts, October, Ok to order. Got there and it was torrential rain, just what the forecast didn’t forecast. Didn’t help I’d forgotten my jacket but luckily dried up. The race was a spicy uphill with plenty of mud to slip and slide in. Shoes had to be tied tight to survive. Marshalls poised to catch pictures of runners falling in the mud obstacles. Luckily after 4.5km the uphill turned into a cool fast downhill with some extra special stream crossings. They were fresh! I decided not to slow down and instead just run straight through, must be the Westie in me.The final 400m was a lap of the field aka resemblance of a CX track once all the runners had been through, the mud was slippery slidy with the final tight turn to the finish one to try stay upright on. Loved crossing the finish as my favourite song started – Scooter Fire! The one I suggested on @youngheartsrunfreepodcast . The route was lovely and I bet on a clear day the views would have been stunning. The whole crew did amazingly and I managed to claim 2nd female (1st FV40) with a fab chilli trophy from The Workshop Aberfeldy. Lovely meeting John and Stevie from the podcast in person too! Definite recommend this race! So why is it called the Chilli race – well the race route is in the shape of a chilli. Now back, mud washed off and at the swimming pool cheering on my eldest