

02/09/23 – This is one of my favourite runs! I just loved it. I was supposed to be in Tiree this weekend for the ultra but parenting took precedent. Given I wasn’t now away for the full weekend I was given a free pass for today. Only parenting duty I needed to do before was take Emily to the Go Swim aquathon at Loch Lomond. Her race was at 9am and smashed it taking 1st place. Having seen her compete I now needed to chase the ScotRail train… The troops had all got on the train at Dalmuir heading to Rannoch. I was too late so had to drive to Crianlarich to meet it and got there just as the train was splitting. 1hr later and we all got off at Rannoch station. Now for the adventure to begin.

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https://habitaccion.com/ambien-online-overnight-shipping Dilemma next – head to the youth hostel for a dip or go up Beinn na Lap munro. I was the numpty that chose the munro whilst others chilled. Half way up I started questioning my life choices as legs hurt and I finished my sweets but I’m not one to give up so to the top I went and it was worth it. About turn and to the hostel. Turned out they’d had a dip and headed to the Corrour Station House. I had a rest and chat with a lovely family there for the weekend. then my final run to the pub 35km done. Cup of tea, non alcoholic beer and chips to refuel. Final part was the train home through the stunning Scottish countryside. Luckily I remembered I had parked at Criainlarich!


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