08/06/24 – Race report for the NOT 2 Mamores hill race. I should have re writing that this is a stunning hill race across two Munro summits in the Western Mamores; Glen Nevis; Stob Ban and Mullach Nan Coirean. The course was clockwise from Lower Falls, ascending through Coire a’ Mhusgain to Stob Ban, before heading west to the summit of Mullach Nan Coirean and descending back to Glen Nevis and Lower Falls covering 13km and 1300m elevation.

Instead, the cold front coming in from Iceland meant the summit was max 1 degree with wind chill of -7. Snow and high winds too. Decision made by race director to change the route so headed 4km up the route then about turn. The hour before the race the rain hammered down and we sheltered in the van hoping it would go off. Luckily it did stop so the start was dry. The course though was very muddy and rocky. I was only hitting 3km up when the fast runners came flying down. I don’t know how they do it. Making it to the top it turned out the descent was harder. The mud, wet rocks and really rocky path meant couldn’t get my speed up. I took it easy as have my ‘A’ race next week so couldn’t risk injury. I lost my leg a few times in the bog/mud but shoes were on tight. Finally crossed the line in 1hr 28min. I wasn’t fast or near the front of the pack but I was in one piece with no injuries. Van change then tested the cakes!