https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=b1u5myra37 05/04/23 – After a crazy non stop day at work my head was thumping when I logged off. I could have just sat and chilled but instead I decided the best medicine was to get the trainers on and head out to play. I roped in Gordie to come on a reccie run and warned him that it was going to get boggy!


https://municion.org/mii7jert Starting at Loch Ardinning we made our way over to the Auld Wives Lifts via an old Keep. The feet were lost to mud in the first stream crossing and it was only going to get worse. The Lifts were stunning as normal with lots of squelch round them. From here it was across fields, through mud and cow poo gloop to eventually appear at an old bunker. Can’t believe I’ve passed it so many times on the road and never seen it.


Next stop was Blairskaith Linn for an adventure behind the waterfall. It was up the track from here and, and passing sheep giving us strange looks, we made it to the trig just as the cloud came down. Skirting round the forestry path at Lennox forest we eventually hit a dead end. This was the rogue bit as I knew we could made it back to Loch Ardinning but it would be unmarked with very few trods, undulating, tussocks, bog and quagmire. We did make it but I’m sure there has to be a better way. For once it wasn’t me who fell over and, as Gordie lay there, I had to get the camera out. Once we made it across we had to finish with the final loop of the loch.


https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/97vguvst3se 12.5km done and a fun adventure had. Post run post on Facebook to see if any locals knew a better route across from Lennox to Ardinning but turns out every way is bog and tussock tastic. Oh well.