03/02/24 – Race write up… today it was the Devil’s Burdens relay race organised by Fife Athletics Club. It consists of 4 legs in the Lomond hills centring around the base in Falkland Estate. I’ve never done this before but heard so many fab things about the event. Westerlands CC had 12 teams in and I was with Lynz in the Women’s D team. Each team had 4 legs to run and we were down for leg 3. We were both on children duties first thing so missed the team bus through. Instead we headed through to arrive just after our leg 2 runners had set off. The field was full of team tents and the atmosphere was buzzing. I caught up with a few friends and then got ready although I really didn’t want to take the Dryrobe off. I did manage to get my friend to sneak a wee cake from her team tent for me as they were well prepared. Cake is a must for the energy 😉

Ambien Where To Buy The race was mainly done in relay formation with one pair coming in before the next went but, to keep the event on track we went in a mass leg 3 start. it was straight up hill through the Maspie Den until we reached the open ground and first checkpoint. With pairs going in all directions we headed to the Fort next before the hill. The wind was head on and a struggle up, fuelled by the Percy Pigs Lynz brought, but, once we got all checkpoints we had a lovely tail wind downhill back. The sun was shining and ground pretty dry which is something I’m not used to. We were literally right at the finish when Lynz managed to take a tumble in front of everyone but she picked herself up and we made the finish. Great job, 12.5km done and approx 500m elevation. Quick change, soup and cuppa then back home. Definitely recommend this race.