DEUCHARY HILL AND LOCK ORDIE FROM DUNKELD 02/12/22 – This is what Fridays are made of. With a day off work I spent the first part doing virtual filming with Rail Wellbeing LIVE presenting on goal setting and motivation. Next it was Tilly and I jumping in the van and heading up to Dunkeld to meet Fiona Outdoors for a new adventure. My friend Suzanne did a great run a few weeks ago so thought we’d steal her route (with a few alterations).

Buy Ambien Overnight Cod Starting at the Cally Carpark we followed the markers up up and up towards the Mill Dam. A right turn at the fork and onto a smaller trail (still going uphill). Luckily I had Tilly power with assist. Using the Strava map we took a left up a lovely little trail to Deuchary hill. On the way up I saw what jumped like a deer but was smaller than a deer and cream any ideas? At the top we found the trig and a spectacular view…not! Cloud was down and nothing to be seen. The scenery we could see was stunning and I can only imagine what it would be like on a clear day (just means we need to do it again). From here it was downhill and I spent most of it shouting ‘stop Tilly’ ‘slow down’ ‘argh’ ‘woaw’ but luckily stayed upright. Down passing another Loch and we suddenly popped out at Loch Ordie. It was stunning, so picturesque and peaceful. A little row of old cottages looking onto the calm water. From here it was downhill, a long downhill passing more lochs, a farm, some chooks and mud. There were so many signs pointing different directions for exploring giving an another excuse to come back. Final stop was the van after 18.5km. Tilly loved it but was her longest run and just sat there after and let me wrap her up warm. Final final stop was the Deli in Dunkeld for a good old cuppa and cake. Tilly even had a cuppa. Now back home and she is curled up next to me