08/01/2023 – Not often I manage to fit in a run when I return home to sunny Maidens but today I did. I’ve spent all my childhood playing in Culzean Country Park but today managed a route that’s new to me. With thanks to a couple Strava friends I managed to use their routes to piece together a run up Mochrum Hill to the trig and then round the top of Culzean including the castle and fire track. Mochrum hill is just outside Maybole and you can see it when driving towards Culzean from the north. Today I parked in Culzean to start my run, heading out of the park near the main road I crossed the road and then headed up forestry track towards the hill. Passing the shooting platforms the trig point suddenly appears, with stunning views across the Ayrshire coast. A quick downhill though the trees and I was back to the main road. Crossing over I entered the country park. There are so many paths that I opted to cover the visitor centre, castle and deer park. Back up the fire track and I was at the van. I could easily have made it much longer by doing the coastal paths and swan pond but will save that for another time. 11km done.

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