CARBETH, BURNCROOKS, DEVIL’S PULPIT THEN WEST HIGHLAND WAY BACK 04/12/21 – What a morning of exploring with Beardy on the new route we’ve named Nic’s Devil Loop. Starting at 8am from Cathbeth we headed up the John Muir Way passing Edenmill to Burncrooks. It was so atmospheric with the mist over the reservoir and then sun bursting through to create an amazing sunrise. We then followed the JMW to the forest (slightly lacking trees though as they are being felled) where we were confronted with a double rainbow with such vibrant colours. What does a rainbow mean….rain! After such a great start the forecast lied and instead of rain clearing it came down for the rest of the run. We followed the trails until we came out on Stockiemuir Rd. Crossing over we ventured along the Finnich Glen Trail,. I’ve never been to the Devil’s Pulpit so this was a great chance to have a look when it was really quiet.  We then followed the Carnock Burn downstream until we came out near the roundabout on the Drymen Rd. Crossing over we joined the West Highland Way and headed back towards Milngavie with a wee stop at Beech Tree Inn to talk to the ponies. When we got to Carbeth we made our way back to St Mocha Coffee Shop & Ice Cream Parlour. Quick change into drier clothes then in for a cuppa to warm up and enjoy. Only place to sit was at the back of the bus (obviously). 26.5km and Marcothon day 4 done