Bog and Burn is a race series run by Scottish Hill Runners and involved lots of the hill running clubs putting on the races. You need to complete 6 to complete the series but there are loads to choose from. I tried to do some different ones this year. 19/04/23 – Kaim hill race – First Bog n Burn race of 2023. Kaim Hill race is not to be missed. Starting at the beautiful Ayrshire town of Fairlie we were blessed with a fantastic evening. Warmth, blue skies and views for miles and miles across the water to Cumbrae and beyond. The race started with a small road section then then up began through the trees and eventually through the kissing gate. First it was the burn crossing then more up following the tussock trod through mud and bog to the top and the trig. I managed to get a quick pic before the downhill started. I downhills although it did consist of nearly loosing my shoes in the bogs. We joined the trod we came up and it was fast all the way to the end. 5.8km and 370m elevation. Back to the van for a quick change then to the church hall for tea, cake and a catch up with quite a few of the Ayrshire runners I haven’t seen in a while. Finally a lovely sunset drive back up the coast.
03/05/23 – Whangie Wizz – This was a new route for the Whizz. Starting on the track up to Burncrooks we headed up towards the trig at Queens View via the mud bath gate. From Queens View it was a fab fast downhill towards the car park. When the top path met the other path it was a quick left turn and back up. Next stop the Whangie. I’ve never had it through there so fast. Back to the trig then down down down. I knew I was getting hunted down and as we hit the track I was overtaken. I tried to give chase but soon realised my legs are older and slower so opted for the less fast sprint finish. I knew I worked hard and it was lovely to be rewarded with a bottle of beer for 1st FV40. Cool-down was a walk back to Edenmill Cafe and Soft Play past the alpacas but cheeky Dave the black one didn’t really want his pic taken.
Buy Zolpidem Overnight Delivery 31/05/23 – Tonight it was @westerlandsccc hosting the Kilpatricks Kaper. Just under 7km with over 300m elevation. Weather was as glorious as last year. Tonight my youngest had to come along too so she put on her yellow vest and rang the cow bell for all the runners finishing. She did blackmail a McDonalds out of me for taking her along. The race started at the gas works at the bottom of the Kilpatricks. The race headed up the road until we crossed the cattle grid them right turn and up the hill. It was very much up, up and up until we reached the top. Once up the views became apparent and could see for miles. Rolling ground across the top until we reached the trig. Now the fun began with a long and fast downhill. It was dry underfoot so a bit slippy on the dry loose gravel. Final bit was the road downhill section and soon I could hear Sophie and the cow bell. Crossed the line, high fives her and she then told me not to touch her as I was all sweaty. Refuelled on the biscuits which she had already munched a few of and cheered the other runners on. So, how’d I do? 5th lady and 1st FV40 so happy with that.
Final stop on way home was McDonalds. Very happy child who now isn’t going to sleep.
Clonazepam 0.25Mg 28/06/23 – Bog and Burn race series headed up to Tillicoultry for the Law Breaker. I was told to take it easy this week to recover from Celtman Extreme Scottish Triathlon but I’ve only done 3 in the series and need to complete 6 so this was a must.
Buy Ambien In Canada It was a hard one, especially with post Celtman legs but I gave it my best shot. I didn’t really know what to expect except an out and back up a big hill. It didn’t disappoint with over 640m elevation to The Law and total race distance of 5.4km. It literally went up and down. Let’s just say each time another summit appeared my language got worse. I was sitting 3rd female as I hit the top but dropped down to 6th female (2nd FV40) by the end. The downhill was steep, tricky in parts and gravelly. Anytime I felt I could slip I slowed down as just can’t risk falling and damaging my wrists. Done in 55mins. Legs even more tired but work!
05/07/23 – Bog and Burn number 5 for me. Ochil Hill Runners put on a fab Maddy Moss race. Starting from Tillicoultry (near Stirling ), we headed up to The Law. I did question my life choices as I ran (walked) this but last week and swore the whole way up. My legs told me it wasn’t any easier and Strava segments confirmed that. Luckily no about turn this week.
Online Zolpidem Instead got a wee run on and up to the turning point at the top of Ben Cleuch. From here is was a fab downhill, stile to cross and more down and a bit of up until reached Andrew Gannel Hill. The views were fab and with more downhill the legs were starting to feel alive. The last little section was a bit for technical and I did need to stop a couple of times to check the route but I made it to the end. 9.85km, 743m elevation in 1:15. Think I was 9th female. Even better was the fact the beer fitted into my Harrier UK vest. Big shout out to Mia who smashed the race coming in 2nd female in her first hill race
09/08/23 – Bog and burn race no 6 for me with the rearranged Cort-Ma-Law Westerlands Cross Country Club 10km hill race. Starting at the car park in the sky on Crow Rd the race starts with a straight up for approx 3km ish then it kind of plateaus near the summit of Cort-Ma-Law and just when the really boggy bit starts. A few vanishing leg moments and nearly losing the route due to the low cloud but I found the trig. More bog time and across to Leckett Hill. The yellow W flags helped guide the way. I just made sure I wasn’t losing Beardy as knew he’d keep me right on the route. From Leckett it was downhill, burn crossing then back up hill before some more bog and then the final 2km downhill. The finish line only appeared in the last 100m and I managed to cross as 4th female (2nd FV40). Great race, definitely lived up to the bog and burn name Scottish Hill Runners.
Wee bonus was being handed two medals at the start from a previous race. Only now I’m home I’ve worked out it was from the Scottish Athletics West District Hill Championships when I did the Kilpatricks Hill race…. Masters female
senior female team.
16/08/23 – Winner winner (veggie) chicken dinner. Tonight was the final race in the Bog and Burn series hosted by Carnethy H R C. It was a fast and furious run from Hillend straight up to Caerketton Hill cairn, then a little bit further before about turn and straight back down. The up was hard on the legs and the down tricky due to terrain. I felt like I worked hard but my COROS UK watch said I was ‘maintaining’.
I had a lot riding on this race. I went in sitting 2nd female and 1st FV40 in the series but points were close and I knew things could easily change. I gave it my all (except watch doesn’t believe me) and managed to hold my position. I even claimed 1st F40 in the race. In typical hill running style prizes were in the form of drink so 1bottle of wine, 3 packs of beer, 1 can and a thank you bar of chocolate later I am a very happy runner.