22/01/22 – Saturday runs are turning into runs with added elevation. Today we decided to venture up Ben Lomond. Starting at Rowardenan we took the Ptarmigan path up which started with lovely views over Loch Lomond but as we got higher the views disappeared into the cloud and the wind really picked up. The further up we went the more I asked (like a small child) “are we nearly at the top of the hill” as visibility was poor and Beardy’s comments were that we were nearly there, just a wee bit to go, round the corner etc.
Zolpidem Generic Purchasehttps://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/2m5x0lgztr We made it to the summit but didn’t hang around long. Only time for a quick pic (I didn’t even get my Chia Charge bar) then off as it was blowing a hoolie. We took the main path back down. Only snow was on the ridge. We weren’t sure how much there would be so opted for Inov-8 x-talons which did the trick. Great downhill decent and met loads starting their walk up. Even met some ready for a party with the music and smoking weed. Bit early for 10am! Back to the bottom in half the time it took to get up and then got my bar.
https://www.fogliandpartners.com/nu8a4ynmAmbien Online Usa 12.42km and 999m elevation. If I realised that I would have run back up a whole 1m!