26/12/22 Race report for Ayrodynamic Triathlon Club 10km Turkey Trot. I grew up in Ayr and this is my once a year chance reminisce and relive my childhood. 

Getting to the start was the first dilemma. I’d signed up ages ago as it’s a race I don’t want to miss and ties in with Boxing Day family visiting. Stupidly didn’t check hubby’s shifts and he was working. Luckily one of my Ayr friends kindly offered to look after the girls and dog so it was a goer. Now, what to wear… in Milngavie it was icy but dry, quick message down the road and heard it was hail, sleet, wind, rain so best to pack for all occasions. Heading down the M77 and hit driving snow showers so had to check when registration closed as didn’t want to miss it. Luck still on my side and it only closed at race start and snow stopped at Kilmarnock so managed to drop everyone off and make it in time. Still had to decide what to wear so quick van change and opted for buff, gloves, jacket and shorts!

12 noon and race began straight into a driving headwind off the sea. I’d forgotten what that wind could be like. With buff up and hood tight I think only my glasses were visible. It was along the promenade all the way to the bridge across the River Doon and over to Doonfoot. Passing my old school and street I then headed up the cycle path. I remember this when it was the old farm track with gravel and potholes. So much nicer now. This was the only climb and at the top the view of Greenan Castle to the right. I remember all my childhood dog walks along the beach to the castle. At this point the turning point was in touching distance near to High Greenan House. Dead turn and up a slight incline then on the home straight. The wind now turned to a tail wind and a welcome relief. Downhill and back along the promenade. The sand dunes provided some cover but on the final stretch past the Pavilion the gusts were very gusty and I’m not very big. The finish line crossed in 45:37 and I turn round to find a Christmas tree behind me (the best costume ever). Definitely not a PB but that was never going to happen in that wind. Back to the van for a change into warm clothes and then into the hall for yummy cake. I love a race with cake! Even better was the beanie that was the same colour as my jacket and stayed on the rest of the day. I’m now home and it’s still on my head. Thank you to all the amazing volunteers for putting on the race and battling the weather. Lovely to see so many people I know and and the ultra buffs and T-shifts. Clocked Highland Fling (ding ding), Devil, GO33, Celtman. 

So how’d I do… never managed to get a negative split for a race until now. I was 6th female and 2nd FV40. Unfortunately I didn’t know this until I got a text on the way home and missed the prizes. Oops.