06/08/22 The triple crown is mine (completing The Highland Fling, West Highland Way and Devil in 1 year). Only been waiting 2 years to complete since all 2020 and 2021 events cancelled. I had some unfinished business with the Devil o’ the Highlands Footrace after the heatwave of 2019 and wanted to try again. 69km and 1900m elevation from Tyndrum to Fort William. Weather was ideal…cloudy with the odd bit of sun and drizzle. Coming into Glen Coe I bumped into Susanne, a fellow runner and we stuck together for the rest of the run. It was just after this the views opened up as the cloud lifted to reveal the spectacular views along the Official West Highland Way.

The good old Devil’s Staircase was just as steep but now I’ve realised the top isn’t where I think it is and I always hit it sooner. This time the twins dressed as devil’s weren’t here but we found them near the top of the long downhill to Kinlochleven. That downhill is a killer as it just keeps going, I really shouldn’t walk down a hill but this one kills the quads so much they need it. Refuelling at the CP here and then the climb back out of KLL. When I did this in 2019 I sat on a rock on the top of this bit and had a total hissy fit and gave myself a good talking to. Not this time as Susanne and I chatted, taking our minds of this part. Last time I ran Kinlochleven to Fort William it was on the West Highland Way race and in dark, I’m not sure if I prefer seeing the hills in front of me or it being in the dark.

Final CP was at Lundavra then a climb up to the top of the forest before a long downhill. We ran together still until we got to the nasty left turn up Cow Hill (who thought it was a good idea to put a hill in at this point?!). I knew Susanne had more energy left that me so told her to go and she did. The final downhill, hearing the cowbells and voices, being told it’s just round the corner I knew I was nearly at the finish. I crossed the line and was met by Susanne. Big hugs, medal and goody bag. Finally, it was a shower, oh the struggle getting changed and into the shower, then food and finally a lift back down the road from Mark.

How did I do? Completed in 8hrs 7min (2.5hrs faster than 2019), 8th female and 5th FV40.