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https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/2z5ohxpt6w Westies Wednesday. Another fab evening out running with Westerlands Cross Country Club up the Whangie, over to Queens View trig then round Burncrooks reservoir – 12.16km.


https://www.salernoformazione.com/k0a2ga2my Starting point was the Queens View carpark. From here we headed up until the path splits. At this point go left for the trig and right for the whangie. The whangie got its name from the devil as it is folklore that the devil hit the ground with his tail causing the rock to split. Heading through the whangie veer left and then up the hill and you will pop out at Achineden hill trig. From here it’s across to the very muddy gate. It’s an art to get through it without ending up knee deep in mud. Beardy did so I had to get a pick. Now follow the trod down until you hit the forestry track. From here turn right. They’ve been felling most of the trees round Burncrooks which was quite disorientating when the usual trees weren’t there. Keep following the track keeping Burncrooks on your left. Head over the dam and over the fence then keep going left. Eventually you will pop back out onto the forestry track. Turn left then, after crossing the cattle grid turn right and head down until you reach the trod you popped out of earlier. Now just do the return run. Stunning views over to Loch Lomond and a glorious sunset.
