08/10/2022 – It’s my birthday so decided the best way to celebrate was to do something I love this morning and run. I hadn’t decided a route until late night when a post in the Glee Club chat mentioned a run this morning round Loch Venachar. That was it, weather looked good, roped in Rosie and signed up. It was a fab 20km. Starting at Glen Finglas carpark we headed clockwise up into the trails with some amazing views down to Loch Venachar. We stayed on this rolling path until it got nearer Dunmore Fort, from here we jumped down onto the road and down onto the road towards the sailing club. Now we were running along the lochside and it was so quiet and calm. At the far end we came off the road and back onto trails, these then turned into forestry track. We ended up at Achray Farm where we talked to some goats, the cafe looked amazing so going to need to come back. Some trails along the river and back out onto the road (pavement). Turning right we were nearly back where we started when we saw a lovely boardwalk so needed to run up and down it a few times before back to the van. Great start to the birthday and now off to do parenting duties and watch the eldest at a swim comp.


https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/ouuczbiy Remember – keep Loch Venachar on your right (if going my way) or left if going anti-clockwise and can’t go majorly wrong.
