lairig ghru (with the boulder field) race

30/06/24 – Race write up for the Deeside Runners Lairig Ghru race. A fantastic 42 km race from Braemar to Aviemore through the Lairig Ghru. For me the logistics started the day before when I headed up to Aviemore following my eldest’s swim comp. The Epic Crew had gone up earlier to I met them for food then checked into the Aviemore bunkhouse. Fab room for the 4 of us and even better was the pub downstairs for a pre race prep pint.

Up at 0600hrs to get the bus at 0700hrs. My new way of taking my breakfast with me is making my porridge then putting it in a freezer bag so I can eat on the way although I did get some strange looks. Wee sleep on the bus and soon we were in Braemar. Kit check, met the other Westerlands runners and friends and did the usual pre race photos. I was debating clothing right up until the start. I wish I had brought arm warmers but hadn’t. Luckily my friend Susanne had so I borrowed hers. I’d already decided this wasn’t a race race as still not 100% and voice not back so when the gun went I just headed off at my normal pace but slightly faster. First few miles were along the road then down to Mar Lodge. Soon hitting the beautiful trails through the valley and next to the river. At about 17km the climb started and then the rocks appeared. It was near the 25km when the boulder field became the biggest obstacle course, it went on for a long time and even when not in the field the rocks were everywhere. I really did need to concentrate! Lots of people complain about this part but I enjoyed it. It slowed me down and brought back childhood memories of growing up on the beach and playing on the rocks. At about 28km the rocks turned to tree roots and the downhill came. It was a long meandering beautiful downhill into the Rothiemurchus estate. It was here I managed to find the tree I’d been looking for, for the last 20km as my stomach wasn’t liking me. Feeling much better it was head down, sing to the tunes and keep going.

Managed to get into a wee rhythm with some good old dance anthems. The beats matched my cadence and really kept me going along with a wee sing song.  Finish line in sight and I was so close when a guy came alongside me, I wasn’t letting him past so close to the end so the sprint was on, just as a bus was trying to cross the line too towards us. He just pipped me by a second but I still came in on 4hrs 44mins and 5th FV40. Now time to cheer on the team and everyone else coming before I finding my long awaited cup on tea.

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