lake of menteith APR (MY FIRST BIKE RACE)

30/03/24 – I did it, my first cycle race. It was the Glasgow Nightingale APR. Registration was at Balfron Academy where we all got briefed before cycling out as a group to the start. I felt like such an imposter, all these proper looking cyclists on nice bikes but I had nothing to lose. I was in the first group out meaning we had a 5min head start on group 2 and 8mins on group 3. We set off with a lead car and motor bikes stopping traffic and leading the group. Felt very professional. Speed was fast but I managed to hold my own although not in the lead pack of our group. It was t until the last 10km when group 2/3 caught me but I kept going as fast as my little legs would go. The last 7km was grim, headwind with sleet and rain straight in the face, simply delightful. Final push was the uphill to the finish in Killearn and I was done. I surprised myself and wasn’t last. Time to breathe and then slowly cycle back to Balfron to get into warm clothes and have a cuppa.