14/06/24 – Made it to Coimbra for the European Duathlon Championships. Day started off with a 4am alarm before heading through to Glasgow Airport with fellow competitor Robert. Quick check in, breakfast and straight onto the plane for 0630 take off. Well that didn’t happen, as we took our seats there was an announcement that takeoff would be delayed due to fog in Porto. 2hrs sitting on the plane at Glasgow before we got to take off… Arrived at Porto and straight into a long passport control, if only we still classed as European. Luckily it wasn’t as bad as it looked so through, bikes collected and off to get hire car. Robert kindly drove us over to Coimbra and straight to team hotel.

First job, I had to rebuild my bike. I did it surprisingly quickly with not much drama although did need to get the mechanics to tighten the screws for me. Next it was time to find the event hub and get registered, again was really easy. Next a trip to the supermarket (decided I couldn’t fit the really nice deckchair they were selling in my suitcase) then quick change and off to the Parade of Nations. We didn’t know what the plan was so just followed, we were walked to the monastery where met with local musicians and a buffet. Lovely to socialise with fellow competitors. Walking back to the hotel I decided to take a detour to check out the local centre and stumbled upon a book event, random cow and the found the really steep steps I’d been looking for. So glad I was going down them. Now in bed and shattered. Looking forward to cheering on everyone doing the sprint Duathlon tomorrow (my race is Sunday).

15/06/24 – Today was all about race preparation before tomorrow. This morning I headed down to watch everyone compete in the sprint Duathlon and see what the course is like. The course is great as so many opportunities to cheer everyone on and take pictures. Next it was time to test the bike, quick bike tune up to check I had built it correctly by Nirvana bike mechanics then out onto the road. I kept needing to remember to stay on the right side of the road. I was pretty quickly out onto a country road which went on for miles, road surface lovely and nice and warm. Came across a pylon filled with storks and their nests, it looked so cool. Final section back to the hotel was across a railway line.

Next up was chill time… race brief, team picture then time to get acclimated and sit in the sun. It was so nice to get a little bit of relaxation and down time as don’t get it often.

Final part of the day was checking out the men’s elite race (wow they are fast) before dinner with other competitors. This is what I love about these events. This time 2 days ago I hadn’t met any of them before and tonight 7 of us got food together. Now bedtime for my race in the morning…

16/06/24 – What a day at the European Standard (10km run, 40km bike, 5km run) Duathlon Age Group Championships in Coimbra. Up early and numbers on, it’s an easy way to spot a duo/tri athlete. Along to the start and racking bike in transition. Transition was so long and went on for miles. Next stop the old faithful cup of tea. Pre race pics taken and then drop bag handed in. This time only one loo stop before it was to the start. So many friendly nervous faces as we wished each other good luck. There is no countdown to the start. It is literally, ready horn goes and my favourite song of Scooter – Fire plays. If you listen to Young Hearts Run Free podcast you’ll know I love it.

First 10km run, started well and ran hard. By about 6km my legs started to feel heavy and pace started to slow. Grabbed water and took what I could but could feel the heat. The course was 2 laps along the river and really nice with loads of supporters. This course was good as loads of opportunities for supporters to cheer everyone on. With ‘Go GB’ ‘go Dawson’ ‘go Nicola’ it really spurred me on.

Into long transition and found my bike. I struggled due to by dodgy hands clipping my helmet but once on I was off. Bike course was 40km made up of 2 laps with a mix of main city roads and countryside. Once I started on the Active Root and Voom nutrition my energy picked up and I was on it. Only issue was one junction where the marshal wasn’t paying attention and I needed to just make my mind up where I was going (unfortunately she directed lots the wrong way). It was closed roads so lovely and fast with no need to stop for traffic.

Back into transition, trainers on and off for run 2 of 5km. I got into this quite quick and held my pace. With new Hoka trainers I did get a numb bit on my foot but just kept going. I’ll need to look at my lacing. Onto the finish carpet and saw Kevan filming so had to pick up the pace. Crossed the line in 2hrs 29min (aim was sub 2hr 30) and 7th in age. Medal collected, pictures taken, food eaten and beer drunk.

I can’t go anywhere without exploring so post race I headed out for a few more steps and checked out the town itself. Let’s just say they like their hills and little narrow cobbled streets. Ups and downs with random things draping across the streets (‘no image available’ is my favourite), lots of churches, the university at the top with spectacular views across the town, lots of atmosphere as students were graduating and events all over the place including a book festival and a sardine (yes, sardine!!!’) festival, the botanical gardens with the biggest bamboo I’ve ever seen and my favourite set of steps. If my legs weren’t tired I’d say this place is ideal for hill reps. Final job was putting my bike back into it’s box. I dismantled it and tried to fit it back into its box but failed. I had to do the walk of shame down to the Nirvana guys to ask if they could help me. He did and in about 10 seconds my bike was in the box. I’ve now taken a photograph of it so I know for next time how to do it.

Last night out with fellow competitors I’d met for dinner and then early night before early start for the flight home. Great event and experience. Now to wait to 2025…