14/09/24 – The trials and tribulations of Dunoon ultra. With 12 of the EpicTrails crew racing (mix of relay and solo runners) it made for a fantastic trip. The race was supposed to be 48km but not for me….

Being loaded with the cold I didn’t know how it would go, and it definitely wasn’t to plan. Starting at Benmore Gardens we headed out along the path. I was following the fast runners and after about 2.5km we realised we’d missed the left turn. About turn and back to the bridge to head into Pluck Glen. Now I was confused, I didn’t know where I was in the pack and knew I had at least 10 mins to catch up after the extra 2km. I was annoyed with myself so I think that helped keep me focused as I was now on the mission. I really confused the EpicCrew each time I passed one as they didn’t know where I’d come from.

Coming into CP 1 19km had been done with undulating trails, roads and forestry paths. No drop bag for me so I just kept going. The trails had lovely views over Firth of Clyde and weather stayed dry. The runners were really spread out but about 5km before CP2 I felt there was something behind me. I kept looking over my shoulders but nothing there. Eventually I fully turned round and there was a guy right on my heels, literally right behind me. I got a bit of a fright and called him out for being so close but he said he was using me for a wind shelter. I’m not big and it’s not on running that close to someone without them knowing. I then moved across the path so he couldn’t do it again. After about 1km I had that feeling again so decided to just stop, think he nearly ran straight into the back of me as he was at it again. To do it once is annoying but twice really isn’t on. He didn’t do it a third time. I was now annoyed again having slowly lost my annoyance from going wrong at the start.

On to CP 2 and now 31km done. I still had no idea how I was doing as kept my head down and ran to the tunes I was listening to. Quick grab of drop back and then heard I was sitting in 2nd place. Game on, I really was on a mission to find her. The next section just went up and up and up and up a bit more along with rain and going into the clouds. Think I swore quite a lot each time I saw another up. Eventually the top was found and the long downhill commenced. I do love a downhill but my quads did eventually start complaining. I had no idea where I was but knew Dunoon must be close. Unfortunately my headphones died but they lasted until 2km to go and the music definitely helped that hilly section. Eventually hit the town and had another mile to go until the pier and the finish line. I’d done it, I’d claimed first female overall. 4hrs 55mins. 50.33km and 140 elevation. Maybe I just needed the anger in me to fire me up.

Lovely chat, tea, soup, massage and I felt alive and able to cheer the rest of the crew on. Everyone did amazingly, the marshals were so encouraging and recommend this event to everyone! Now time to relax.