03/06/23 – Very impromptu race today. This weekend was supposed to just be the Milngavie trail race tomorrow but I had lots of the crew up at the Blair Castle trail weekend by Outsider Events. By chance, earlier this week, my eldest was invited to play in a hockey tournament in Perth today. That meant I was going to be near Blair Atholl. Quick each on Wednesday and could still enter. Coach said ok so green light to do the 30km Dearg Up n’ Doon

Last time I did the full ultra and it was a scorchio day. Today was just the same. Lotioned up ready to run. The route started from Blair Castle grounds. We went up, up and up for about 18km. Starting on tracks and eventually reaching the remote Allt Scheicheachan Bothy where my friends were helping. Quick juice then onto the hill. It’s slightly more than a hill, reaching heights of over 1000m with extensive views across the Cairngorm mountains. By the top is was very rocky with some careful foot positioning to reach the top.

Now was the fun part. I love downhills and it was all downhill to the end. Unfortunately the cloud and breeze that was at the top vanished the lower we went and back into the heat. The little water crossings were bliss where my feet could get a wee cool-down. I knew time was tight (I had to leave for hockey collection by 2.15pm) so no rest allowed. Powering on I eventually crossed the finish and collapsed in a heap. Turns out it as 31km, 1021m elevation and I was 2nd female. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay for the prize-giving as parent duties calling but the crew collected for me. Lovely to catch up with the loomi active ladies and top bought.